On this weeks episode of Tech News with Kevin Richards, we discuss Donald Trump vs Mitt Romney on Twitter, Facebook Reactions, Quick Shipping, the FBI vs Apple, privacy and digital encryption.
On this weeks episode of Tech News with Kevin Richards, we discuss Donald Trump vs Mitt Romney on Twitter, Facebook Reactions, Quick Shipping, the FBI vs Apple, privacy and digital encryption.
Congressman Joe Heck chose the Alan Stock Radio show today on KDWN to announce his candidacy for the US Senate. Alan and Dr. Heck discussed several important issues today, including immigration reform. Related Articles: Las Vegas Review Journal – Joe Heck US Senate Candidate Twitter – Heck Announces Candidacy for US Senate Listen to the…
Late last year the Nevada Republican Party removed references to gay marriage from its platform. The response from Carolyn L. McLarty, the Republican National Committeewoman for Oklahoma was swift and negative. She slammed Nevada’s actions and urged party leaders not to allow other state parties to take similar actions. McLarty went on to write, “The…
Why does the Iranian contradict the one put out by the United States? Are we being sold a bill of goods? Are we being sold down the river? Read the dueling facts on this Fox News website: www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/04/07/nuclear-deal-critics-worried-about-dueling-fact-sheets-from-us-iran
The opening voice of “Frank, The Man, The Music” at the Palazzo with “Frank”. The show keeps getting better and better. A huge hit for Las Vegas….an A+.
Sean Hannity is joining the Beasley Media family on Monday, February 2nd. The Sean Hannity Show will be live on Newstalk 720 KDWN from 12p-3p, Monday thru Friday. He will be on my show at 6:15am, TUESDAY morning. Set your alarms and tune in to hear Sean.
Paris (AFP) – This week’s three million copies of Charlie Hebdo, the first post-attack issue of the French satirical weekly, will defiantly feature caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, its lawyer said Monday. The special issue, to come out on Wednesday, will also be offered “in 16 languages” for readers around the world, one of its…
(Reuters) – A prominent Saudi Arabian cleric has whipped up controversy by issuing a religious ruling forbidding the building of snowmen, described them as anti-Islamic. He wrote: “It is not permitted to make a statue out of snow, even by way of play and fun.” For the entire Reuters story on the evils of building…
Check out this excellent video that demonstrates the absurd nature of Common Core Math in less than two minutes. http://www.tpnn.com/2014/05/13/the-insanity-of-common-core-math-revealed-in-under-two-minutes/
President Obama invokes a moral equivalency to the terrorist murders of synagogue worshippers. He declares that “too many Palestinians have died,” as well as Israelis, in the struggle between the state of Israel and the terrorist group Hamas and its affiliates, including the internationally active Muslim Brotherhood. For the full story on the President’s comments,…