Weather Channel Founder Passes Away at 83

Alan Stock and John Coleman

John Coleman the founder of the Weather Channel passed away on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at the age of 83. Listen to conversation I had with him about global warming when he joined me in the studio last August.  

Support Job Growth While Rejecting Hate-Filled Agendas


The BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement is looking to boycott businesses that have any connection to Israel.  In southern Nevada, in particular, this would affect businesses that employ many Latino and black residents.  If these businesses were even marginally impacted, it would mean many, many layoffs of those who work for these companies…. and just as we…

What is Behind Trump Hatred?

(Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

My rabbi posed an interesting question to me. He sees how the left and anti-Trump people are taking out their hatred for anything President Trump attempts. Pre-election demonstrations have expanded in size and intensity and seem to be pointed in various directions. Demonstrations that occurred on inauguration day and the day after had been planned…

Questioning Al Franken’s Mental State

Michael Harrison & Al Franken 2005

Senator Al Franken (D-MN) appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper on Sunday. The former comedy writing says he wasn’t kidding when he questioned President Trump’s mental state. I can tell you that I was one of many witnesses to an Al Franken meltdown that had hundreds of people questioning his mental…

UN: Stop Your Bigoted View of Israel

From the moment the United Nations General Assembly adopted a Partition Plan for Mandatory Palestine in November of 1947, the neighboring Arab countries refused to accept the creation of an independent Jewish state known as Israel. When David Ben-Gurion, (head of the Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine), declared “the establishment…

Criminal Investigation of Clinton a Game-Changer

Weary Hillary

Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers have been on a slide for the past few weeks. Part of it could be the slow release of hacked emails turned over to and released by Wikileaks. While the mainstream media has been loathe to release all the details, the effect has been that of a constant drip-drop of water…

Taking the Issue of Marriage Out of the Political Realm

Wedding rings

Late last year the Nevada Republican Party removed references to gay marriage from its platform. The response from Carolyn L. McLarty, the Republican National Committeewoman for Oklahoma was swift and negative. She slammed Nevada’s actions and urged party leaders not to allow other state parties to take similar actions. McLarty went on to write, “The…

Nuclear ‘Deal’ Critics Worried About ‘Dueling’ Fact Sheets From US, Iran

Neville Kerry Chamberlain

Why does the Iranian contradict the one put out by the United States? Are we being sold a bill of goods? Are we being sold down the river? Read the dueling facts on this Fox News website:

Sean Hannity on KDWN on Monday, February 2nd

Alan Stock and Sean Hannity, June 2009

Sean Hannity is joining the Beasley Media family on Monday, February 2nd. The Sean Hannity Show will be live on Newstalk 720 KDWN from 12p-3p, Monday thru Friday. He will be on my show at 6:15am, TUESDAY morning. Set your alarms and tune in to hear Sean.